Dear Self, I invite you to have peace.
On having the perfect morning and extending myself an invitation to begin a new season of life.
This morning was the perfect morning.
For the first time in a long time, I genuinely feel excited to be alive. I’ve been taking Latuda for exactly two weeks now and my specialist said this is when I would notice the difference (of course, that will be its own post). And, man. Do I? My inner skeptic whispers to me not to be too excited, that this is just mania. But I feel so good that I’m choosing to believe this is the start of consistent upward progression and not just temporary relief.
Last night I went to bed intending to finally make it to one of
‘s Rise & Write journal club. Each week I either forgot or the combination of my toddler and I not sleeping well meant I wasn’t forcing myself to wake up a minute earlier than absolutely necessary. But, when I saw the reminder message last night I knew this morning was the first one I’d make it to and I am so glad I did. It was the perfect start to a perfect morning.After the early morning journaling session I made Ava’s lunch, packed mine, showered, and packed my gym bag without rushing and while listening to my morning playlist. I got myself and Ava dressed with minimal stress and interruption and was so early that I had time to just sit and cuddle with Ava on the couch before we darted out the door and she went back to her dad’s.
To make the morning even more perfect, I successfully completed this morning’s Connections without error and one of my best friends texted me because she was simply thinking of me and wanted to tell me that she loved me.
I’m overwhelmed in such a good way by how beautiful today started and how free my mind feels.
No racing thoughts.
No irritability.
No sadness.
No anxiety.
No rage.
Just peace. And I am so grateful for peace. It is mine to have.

Prompt: Dear Self, I invite you to…
Dear self, I invite you to play. To lean into your curiosities and do the things you’ve daydreamed of and told yourself it was too late to experience.
I invite you to get out of your own way. No more working against self. Lean into discipline and accountability.
I invite you to allow yourself to love and be loved when the time is right. No settling. No fear and building of unnecessary walls. No stifling self and no breaking your own heart.
I invite you to release the pent-up anger and resentment. Let go of the should haves, could haves, and would haves and accept what’s been. Remember the lessons and continue forward with an intention to do and receive better than what was.
I invite you to be as loud with your wins as you have been in your season of loss and rejection.
I invite you to live and be all that makes up your beautifully complex self.
Love, Me.
Thank you for reading ‘here comes the sun.’
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What a wonderful feeling! I'm so happy for you, Ashleigh! On a side note, do you mean the NYT game, Connections? Because I play that every morning and couldn't solve today's😂 it always makes me so grumpy when I don't get it.
I am celebrating whatever this day is with you, Ashleigh. Loved your sharing here ~