Ashleigh, congratulations on choosing ease. I am currently experiencing a lay off and in this season I feel similarly to what you mentioned, it’s a time for a pivot or change. I’m glad you will be close to family and support. Another takeaway is that this is for this season. Sometimes we can feel like something will be forever and that’s not true. Being open and flexible is the best way to let life whisper to you where to head next. This was encouraging to read. Much love and safe travels.

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Thank you so much Janel! Sending you so much love and comfort for getting through this time. I hope you’re being cared for and supported!

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Thank you! And yes support and caring is showing up in different ways.

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Sounds like you've got a plan and are sticking to it. Good for you, and lots of love and luck along the way 🙏💯👍

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Yep, hopefully it all pans out! Thank you so much Karen.

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Wishing you an easeful upcoming season of life ☀️✨

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Thank you so much Ashley! Wishing the same for you love!

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Ease. Just typing the word makes me relax my shoulders a bit. I hope this transition is everything you need it to be.

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Thank you so much A!

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Rooting for you and Ava! So much love and support your way ❤️

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Thank you love!

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Loved this piece 😍 Wishing you a smooth transition back home. Celebrating the exhale and grounding that’s waiting for you there.

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Crazy how we’re both in sync on the idea of “running away TO home.” I’ve been working on a personal essay myself about the concept of home. Can I send it to you when it’s live? I’m curious to see if we share the same feelings as women with “troubled identities” ❤️

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Oh yes, I'd love to read it!

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