you really took the time to reflect!!this must have been so therapeutic!! i need to do this at some point.

questions from readers can sometimes take us down memory lanes we would never have visited ourselves.

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Thank you Tobi! I enjoyed reflecting on these and answering them. I really could've made each of these their own post with fully fleshed out responses, but I dialed back for the sake of the q&a lol

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honestly, i thought same as i read it. They felt like independent pieces.

but guess what? now you have 5+ articles to work on. And even better you’ve already started writing them you just have to copy what you wrote and then fling open the doors to let us in even more on each of them.

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Sep 4Edited

Ashleigh!!!! Thank you for this! I’m especially moved by your admission that writing can sometimes mean compartmentalizing life, and that includes motherhood. Thank you for saying you do not feel bad about it either. Many moms need that energy, including myself. We’re people, too.

*Edited for typographically errors

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Yess!! Society wants us to die to ourselves for the sake of motherhood but I know better. I can’t be the best mother I can be if I’m burnt out and unfulfilled.

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Even if it's all a simulation, we can still have purpose!😉❤️

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You are absolutely right!

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Enjoyed reading through your answers! And you really do give tall girl energy! 💅🏽

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Thank you Kamil!!

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Thank you so much for posting in Notes about September’s suicide awareness month. Your note is how I found you, and will be with you here moving fwd!

I love your feature inviting us to buy you a book. I’m perusing the shelf now 🤍

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Thank you so much for being here K., welcome. I hope you like it here.

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This was so filling to read. From the very first question, the depth and clarity of your voice is a balm. 🖤✨

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This is truly amazing. You have such a poignant, clear, voice. I also really love this q+a format. thank you so much for sharing yourself with us like this !

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Thank you so much Bethany! I had fun writing this and will definitely do it again.

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I really appreciated this, Ashleigh! As I sit here homeschooling and sneak-reading, I have to think about what compartmentalization to write looks like here. You're inspiring me.

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Thank you Sharifa, I’m honored that you’re using your sneak reading time on little ole me! When I joined, I gave myself permission to play here and freedom to switch it up!

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I loved this! ironically, I was thinking about doing something similar for myself. Thank you for opening up in this way!

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Yes you should! I’m sure you’d get some great questions from your audience.

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